Mountain Plover Update Session ~ 2/10/22


On February 10th from 10 am - 12 pm MT, participants gathered from across the Central Grasslands to participate in a multilingual session to:

• Hear reports on grant activities and research

• Brainstorm comprehensive list of conservation delivery and ‘mitigation ‘opportunities

• Catalyze s Mountain Plover Working Group

Program Resources

Videos and PowerPoints are linked:

Recording of Introduction and First Four Presentations

Angela Dwyer ~ "Mountain Plover Conservation in U.S. and Mexico: a review of recent research and moving toward next steps" // “Conservación del Chorlo llanero en EE.UU. y México: revisión de la investigación reciente y avance hacia los próximos pasos”

Irene Ruvalcaba Ortega ~ "Mountain Plover Research in Mexico: a history and review of current conservation" // “Investigación del Chorlo llanero en México: una historia y revisión de la conservación actual”

Steve Dinsmore ~ "Population biology of the Mountain Plover in Montana" // “Décadas de investigación sobre el chorlo llanero en Montana”

Julio Merayo ~ "Confirming resident and breeding Mountain Plovers and habitat use in Mexico" // “Confirmación de chorlo llanero residente y reproductor y uso del hábitat en México”

Allison Pierce ~ "Beyond the Breeding Grounds: Identifying migratory connectivity" // “Más allá de los lugares de cría: Identificando la conectividad migratoria”

Recording of Alli’s Presentation and Q&A Session with all presenters

Bi-lingual Breakout Group Notes

Recording of Closing Highlights and Conversation

Bi-lingual Index of all Key Resources


Stemming the Loss of Grasslands in Canada: A Policy Scan … Publication Event April 2024


Roadmap Partners Workshop ~ 8/26/21