Thank You, Sponsors & Partners!
The Central Grasslands Roadmap Community Initiative brings together representatives of the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Indigenous/First Nations from seven sectors, (ranching and agriculture, foundations, industry, nonprofits, federal agencies, state/provincial agencies, and academia).
Join us to help solve the most pressing challenges for the Central Grasslands Biome.
Joining the Collaboration
As a collaborative, the Central Grasslands Roadmap Initiative Community seeks not to be something new, but to be the connection point between different efforts, reducing redundancy, highlighting gaps, and inspiring innovation and collective action.
In this way, the Roadmap prioritizes reconciliation and trust building, as well as braiding Rancher and Indigenous knowledge and Western science. As opposed to prescribing specific actions, the Roadmap provides a framework and suggested actions for everyone involved to contribute. Priorities and strategies listed in the Roadmap are not to direct or define all work, but to give the Roadmap Community a foundation for collaboration.
Submit a Support Letter
Join the growing movement and offer a formal letter of support to the Central Grasslands Roadmap
More that 750 people and over 200 organizations have helped contribute to the Roadmap or participated in our gatherings. Additionally, more formal endorsements and letters of support have been submitted:
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.
Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan
Yukon Conservation Society
Abbey Grasslands of the Prairie Coteau
Sonoran Joint Venture
Alberta Prairie Conservation Forum
Alice Boyle
Monica Rattling Hawk
The Civic Consulting Collaborative
José Hugo Martínez Guerrero
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Northern Great Plains Joint Venture
Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association
The Eight Joint Ventures (JV8)
Nature Saskatchewan
Universidad Juárez del estado de Durango
South Dakota Game, Fish & Park
Dixon Water Foundation
Canadian Forage and Grassland Association
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation
Buffalo Nations Grasslands Alliance
Nature Canada
Alberta Wilderness Association
Organización vida Silvestre, A.C.
North American Grouse Partnership
Ute Creek Cattle Company
Great Plains Fire Science Exchange
John Quinn
Miles Anderson
Birds Canada
Bill Van Pelt
Pronatura Noreste
Miguel Villa
Sergio Romo Muzquiz
The Rocky Mountain Innovation Lab
Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Tinker Airforce Base
Sponsorship Opportunities
Show your commitment to healthy grasslands and the communities they support
Gain great exposure for your organization
Opportunities to connect with 350 delegates and leaders from three countries
Be a thought leader in the conservation and future of our grasslands
Provide critical financial support to make the summit a success