Job Postings and RFPs


Job Postings

Buscamos un Coordinador(a) del Grupo de Trabajo de México

El grupo de trabajo de México para la Ruta de Acción para la Conservación de los Pastizales Centrales (también conocido como el Plan Estratégico para la Conservación de los Pastizales Centrales, o el Grasslands Roadmap Initiative, en inglés) está en busca de una coordinación que pueda proporcionar liderazgo y capacidad para la implementación de los objetivos de la Ruta de Acción, siendo un experto y defensor de los pastizales, promoviendo y posicionando las prioridades de la iniciativa, coordinando el Grupo de Trabajo de México, construyendo nuevas relaciones y asociaciones, reclutando nuevas organizaciones, creando documentos y comunicaciones, presentando la Ruta de Acción en varias reuniones locales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales, y apoyando los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos. Mas…

Northern Great Plains Joint Venture is hiring a Science Integration Coordinator

Ducks Unlimited and the Northern Great Plains Joint Venture (NGPJV) are seeking a Science Integration Coordinator to work across the Northern Great Plains region. This is a new leadership position that will coordinate and support the NGPJV’s efforts to integrate social, ecological, and traditional science into strategic habitat conservation outcomes. Science is only as good as it can be accessed and understood; and rural, resilient communities and human well-being are foundational to grassland conservation. This position will help connect gaps between the development and interpretation of science, habitat conservation, and the people stewarding the Northern Great Plains region to increase the effectiveness of conservation actions. Learn more and apply here …

The Playa Lakes Joint Venture (PLJV) is hiring a New Mexico Grasslands Restoration Coordinator

The Restore New Mexico partnership has been working for over a decade to improve rangeland conditions for Lesser Prairie-Chickens and other wildlife through removal of honey mesquite, Prosopis glandulosa. This position will support these efforts by working with partners to engage private and public land managers to find innovative solutions to conservation challenges and work with agencies, non-profits, and regional conservation groups to continue the momentum of the grassland restoration partnership. LEARN MORE …

PLJV is seeking a Terrestrial Wildlife Recovery Biologist

PLJV is seeking a Terrestrial Wildlife Recovery Biologist to work on recovery efforts for terrestrial and semi-aquatic Species of Greatest Conservation Need (birds, mammals, and herps). This will include prioritizing species to work on, developing and implementing research, monitoring, and management programs for those species, and writing and overseeing implementation of state action plans and recovery plans. Plans will be written based on the best available science, including ecology, life history, and research and management needs for each species. LEARN MORE …

The Prairie Potholes Joint Venture is hiring a Conservation Operations and Administration Manager

This position is available for a highly qualified individual to work in a joint capacity with Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) and the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture (PPJV). The successful applicant will support PPJV’s business model of achieving partnership-based bird habitat conservation through shared investment by public and private entities. LEARN MORE …


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