Large Scale Collaborations


Recently Featured Collaborations

Tomorrow’s Grasslands ~ In the southern Great Plains, grasslands provide habitat for wildlife and important working lands for people. While critical for birds and pollinators, grasslands also provide forage for livestock and absorb carbon dioxide which positively impacts the climate. Historically, about 90% of the region was prairie; now, grasslands make up only 36% of our landscape. Grasslands two greatest threats are row crop expansion (tilling up the prairie) and woody encroachment. Up to 2.3% of grasslands vital to both ranching operations and bird habitat are being lost each year in large part due to invasive woody plant encroachment. This website is designed to help you address woody encroachment on your land.

Collaborative Conservation: Eastern New Mexico Sentinel Landscape ~ The Eastern New Mexico Sentinel Landscape was created in 2024 when a coalition of partners, including Playa Lakes Joint Venture, united around a shared vision of safeguarding declining water supplies and protecting natural resources. One of the goals of the Eastern New Mexico Sentinel Landscape is to promote opportunities to conserve grasslands and playas, restore these habitats for the many wildlife species that rely on them, build resilience to drought, and increase groundwater recharge. Read More

Building State Grazing Coalitions: NatGLC Growing Capacity ~ NatGLC will grow organizational capacity to support strong grazing coalitions that create local-grassroots-programs targeting local resource concerns. A thriving coalition brings together stakeholders within their individual communities to implement climate smart agriculture and forestry practices and principles.Key objectives of the agreement include: Increase capacity for State Coalition & Tribal Coalition staff, host a yearly training for coalition staff members, facilitate knowledge exchange and continued learning on climate-smart grazing strategies to address drought resiliency, invasive species, wildfire risk and recovery, and other local resource concerns, dedicate capacity to outreach and technical assistance to tribal communities and grazing lands managers, along with engage them in NatGLC leadership and strategic planning, and participate in the planning, outreach, and delivery of opportunities designed to engage diverse practitioners, students, and other stakeholders in grazing lands stewardship.

Grazing Land Conservation Initiative (GLCI) cooperative agreements - Fiscal Year 2024 | Natural Resources Conservation Service (

Large Scale Grasslands Collaborations

  • AFWA Grasslands Resolution

  • Native Grasslands Conservation

    • As a convener of corporations, conservation organizations, and conservation-interested individuals, the Wildlife Habitat Council specializes in restoring undisturbed lands for the benefit of wildlife; the WHC’s “Native Grasslands Conservation” report includes seven case studies detailing specific conservation approaches led by corporations such as Boeing, BP Energy, and General Motors

  • Business Plan for the Northern Great Plains

    • In September 2016, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation published its long-term conservation plan for the Northern Great Plains with the desired outcome of 1 million acres of “focal area” grasslands improved or maintained; the business plan is intended to be a “concise blueprint” of the resources and strategies needed to achieve the NFWF’s desired conservation outcomes