Falling through the policy cracks: implementing a roadmap to conserve aerial insectivores in North America

The rapid spread and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic serves as a sharp reminder about how closely connected we are to each other and our environment. This means that policy decisions in one region of the world can produce severe repercussions in others. We have been forced to slow our pace of life, a change that has left many reflecting on how the modern economy shapes our lives and the natural world. The cumulative impact of past and recent policy decisions has produced widespread changes to North America’s landscapes, its avifauna and its once-rich biodiversity. Swift and effective action across the globe to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19 demonstrates the possibility for similarly rapid action to prevent declining bird populations from “falling through the cracks.” Read More …


USDA Announces Community Prosperity Funding Opportunity


The Nested Hexagon Framework