Kansas State University Boyle Lab, Division of Biology

The Boyle Lab Division of Biology at Kansas State University (KSU) focuses on a range of research topics: dispersal and migration movements, brood parasitism, life history evolution, and many others. Currently the Lab studies two “very different” systems, birds inhabiting the wet montane of Costa Rica and grassland-dependent species in the Tallgrass prairies of the U.S.

The two “very different” systems the Lab focuses on share a common theme: widespread effects of short-term and long-term precipitation variation. This uncommon approach, Boyle states, creates a mutually beneficial research combination.

The Boyle Lab states that their work centers around two fundamental questions about ecology: why do species do the things they do in nature, and why are they in trouble? Answering these questions, Boyle Lab says, requires a multidisciplinary approach including the fields evolution, behavior, physiology, and conservation biology. 



Working Grasslands Initiative


Chihuahuan Desert Grassland Bird Conservation Plan