Case Study: Increasing Capacity

from the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance

It can be difficult to encourage farmers to farm sustainably while helping them achieve a profit at the same time. A prime example of community-based conservation, the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance (RSA) is a cooperative working to simultaneously support both farmers and the sagebrush ecosystem in Phillips County, Montana.

The Ranchers Stewardship Alliance (RSA) offers financial assistance to ranchers practicing sustainable farming, connecting ranchers with additional grazing pasture for cattle, and partnering with conservation agencies and organizations. 

The coalition became especially motivated to continue its work when the Endangered Species Act listed the Greater Sage-grouse as an endangered species candidate. The region the RSA protects is considered a “stronghold” for the species, uniting partners under the RSA.

The RSA attributes its own success to its local partners and community leaders, and recommends other communities discover their own unique motivations and leaders.


Grassland Assessment