Sustainable Grazing Lands Factsheet

The Nature Conservancy

According to The Nature Conservancy (TNC), grazing has the largest ecological footprint of any agricultural activity. In collaboration with landowners, public and private organizations, and government agencies, TNC hopes to transform the practices of the $76 billion beef industry to be more environmentally sustainable and place the livelihood of natural grassland ecosystems first.

TNC’s factsheet details a range of aspects of U.S. grazing lands: current sustainability/conservation efforts, involvement of surrounding communities, TNC’s goals for sustainable grazing lands and their proposed framework for achieving these goals.

TNC is a founding member and close partner of the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (USRSB). In the USRSB’s creation of its sustainability framework, TNC was a key player, providing substantial scientific and policy insight that ensured that ecosystem health, water quality and quantity, and greenhouse gas reduction were all recognized as crucial to the framework’s construction.

See the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef website here:


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